As Spring arrives, the UK's fly season begins. From being a mild nuisance leading to irritation, discomfort and stress in livestock to potentially transmitting diseases and hampering production efficiency, these tiny insects can bring huge challenges for livestock and farmers alike.

This article discusses the impact flies can have on livestock, the concerns farmers face, and effective prevention and control measures to keep these pesky insects at bay.

What are the primary concerns associated with fly exposure?

In the UK, there are over 20 different species of fly affecting livestock, causing ectoparasite problems. The most common include: 

  • Nuisance Flies - e.g. House and Bluebottle 
  • Biting Flies - e.g. Stable, Midges, Mosquitoes and Horse flies
  • Myiasis Flies - e.g. Blow and Bot flies

Concerns are varied and can range from loss of productivity to disease transmission, and, in some cases, livestock fatalities. According to a UK VARSS report conducted in 2018, high fly burdens contributed to milk production reducing 0.52kg/cow/day, representing a potentially significant financial loss to dairy farmers. 

Additionally, even seemingly milder fly-related ailments can lead to self-inflicted trauma in cattle and illnesses such as Summer Mastitis or Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (pink eye). And, if you’re a sheep farmer, adopting preventative fly control measures is vital in warding off diseases such as Blowfly Strike

Fly Prevention and Control Measures in Livestock

Prevention is always a better route than treatment, and, although this may not be possible in some circumstances, there are measures that you can take as a farmer to prevent illness within your livestock from opportunistic flies. 

Fly management does not have a hard-and-fast solution; however, there are preventative measures every farmer can take into consideration.

Pour-on Insecticides

Pour-on insecticides, containing active ingredients like pyrethroids, deliver broad spectrum cover against head flies, ticks, and biting lice.

Applied directly to the skin, pour-on insecticides create a protective barrier, repelling and killing flies upon contact. Timing of application is important; livestock should be treated before and throughout the duration of fly season. 

For sheep and lambs, we recommend Clikzin Pour On - POM VPS & Ectofly Pour On - POM VPS & Dysect Sheep Pour On - 5L. All of these provide efficient and convenient control of headflies, ticks, biting lice and blowflies.

And for cattle, we suggest Flypor 4% Pour On For Cattle - POM VPS; it is effective against biting flies and horn flies, as well as sucking and biting lice.

Fly-repellant Spray 

Using fly-repellent sprays can provide livestock with immediate relief and repel a wide range of flies, including midge, bot, horsefly, house, stables and black flies. 

They can be applied to exposed areas and will help soothe irritation and ease distress. Barrier Super Plus Fly Repellent Spray is a super-strength option with a 100% natural formula.

Insecticide-impregnated Ear Tags

Insecticide-impregnated ear tags are an effective fly management option. Although they can be more expensive and, in most cases, more labour-intensive, they offer season-long protection against biting flies. 

Early application before fly populations rise is recommended for optimal effectiveness. The Flectron Fly Tags - 20 Pack is a fantastic option for cattle and is effective for up to five months.  

Fly Traps 

Strategically placing fly traps around livestock areas can significantly reduce fly populations. These traps attract and capture adult flies, preventing them from bothering the animals. 

The Organ-X Fly Trap (Outdoor) is a valuable tool for farmers. The trap can catch up to 40,000 flies and offers a non-toxic solution to your fly problem. Ideal for use around farm buildings and animal housing.


Using medical-grade disinfectants helps reduce contamination and eliminates bacteria, germs, fungi, and viruses that may attract flies. Regular disinfection of animal housing areas is essential for fly control. We offer a range of disinfectants to help you with your needs. 

Don't forget, our animal health team can assist with detailed queries on feeds, supplements, minerals and medication). Check out our varied range of fly control products here: